Wild Livelihoods Business Directory
​If you are a visitor to our area, consider spending your hard-earned money with our below list of business members who work to protect wildlife for future generations.
Who is Wild Livelihoods? Wild Livelihoods business members have come together to pursue opportunities and meet challenges in our entwined economy and environment on the northern border of Yellowstone. We do this by connecting visitors and tourists with our business members who work on actual solutions to protect open spaces, clean water and air, rich soil and native plants, and vibrant wildlife populations for all. We embrace ideas like “fair chase”, “leave no trace”, “catch and release”, and understand that there can be “too much of a good thing” even when it comes to getting outdoors. Wild Livelihoods works to assist you in ensuring that your visit to the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem supports the businesses that are advocating for meaningful conservation of our wildlife and wildlands.
Chico Hot Springs
Dreamcatcher Tipi Hotel
Emigrant Cabins
Emigrant Peak Loft
Erik’s Ranch
Jardine Retreat
Murray Hotel
Paradise Gateway Bed & Breakfast
Paradise Property Outfitters
Raich Montana Properties
Reedfly Lodging
Rivers Edge Cabins
Rocking RV LLC
Sage Lodge
Silver Gate Lodging
Tiny Town Campground
Upriver Yellowstone
Wanderlust Haven
Yellowstone Riverside Cabin
April Christofferson, Author
A Woman of Wonderland
Axis Initiative
Bozeman Green Build
Clean Slate Tile
Explore Livingston Coalition
Full Circle Biofuels
Ilona Popper, Author
Kendeda Fund
Key Montana Property Management
Law office of Michelle Uberuaga
Livingston Center for Art and Culture
LongHorn Maintenance
Mighty Fine Time
Montana Freshwater Partners
Montana Grizzly Encounter
Museum of the Rockies
Old Faithful Detailing
Optics Yellowstone
Outside Bozeman
Paul Lee Kupfer Band
Quality Painting
Rick Lamplugh, Author
Rick McIntyre, Author
Romeo Bravo Software
Sammy Sews
SeaBird Strategies LLC
Tom Miner Basin Association
Visions West Contemporary
Vital Impacts
Wingville Consulting
Yellowstone Now!
Yellowstone Reports
Yellowstone Wildlife Sanctuary
Yellowstone Wolf Family Tree
Blue Goose Saloon
Chico Hot Springs Dining
Follow Yer' Nose BBQ
Gil's Goods
Morning Glory Coffee & Tea, Inc.
Sage Lodge Dining
Sagebrushers & Savages
The Gourmet Cellar
The Murray Bar
The Royal Wulff Tavern
Wonderland Cafe & Lodge
Zac's Montana Kitchen
Retail & Gas
Elk River Books
Boheme Apotheca
Buchanan Expressions
Dan Bailey's Outdoor Company
Deep Creek Outdoor
Gardiner Sinclair Gas Station (Dinolube)
Parks' Fly Shop
Stop The Car Trading Post
The Smoking Bear
Traci jo Designs
Wheatgrass Books
Photography / Film / Art
Arthouse Billy Studios
45 North Films
Brian Creek Photography, LLC
Bridger Peaks Photography
Buchanan Expressions
Chocolate Moose Images
Clyde Aspevig Art
Forosix Photography
Hastings Photography
Kate Ochsman Photography
Kyle Dudgeon Creative LLC
Landis Wildlife Films
Melissa Lipton Photography
Muddy Mammoth Studios
Old Wolf Photography
Patrice Dello-Russo Fine Art Studio
Roche Jaune Pictures, Inc.
Sandra Lee Photography
Soul Dog Studio
The Al Agnew Collection
Touring Wonderland Photography
Trent Sizemore Photography, LLC
Visionhawk Films
Wild Love Images
Wildlife Along The Rockies
Yellow Brick Films
Yellowstone Wild the Gallery
Yellowstone's Wild World, LLC
Your Life Nature LLC
Guide / Outfitter
Angler's West Flyfishing Outfitters
Animals Abound
Big Sky Backcountry Guides
Brant Oswald Fly Fishing LLC
Buffalo Roam Tours
Casanova Guided Tours
Covered Ground Tours
Dodge Guides
Flying Pig Adventures
Greater Yellowstone Excursions
Greenstone Girl
In Our Nature Guiding Services
Incredible Adventures
Jackson Hole EcoTour Adventures
Jackson Hole Wildlife Safaris
Lamar Valley Touring
Let’s Go Adventure Tours & Transportation
Meadowlark Guide Company
Montana Fly Fishing Guides
Montana Yellowstone
Mountain Man Guiding LLC
Nomadic by Nature
Roam Yellowstone Guiding
Silver Gate Guides
Touring Wonderland
Walking Shadow Ecology Tours of Yellowstone
Wild Bear Adventures
Yellowstone Adventure Tours
Yellowstone Critters
Yellowstone Guidelines
Yellowstone Guiding Services
Yellowstone Insight
Yellowstone Journeys
Yellowstone Llamas LLC
Yellowstone Now
Yellowstone Productions Cinemetography
Yellowstone Safari Co
Yellowstone Ski Tours
Yellowstone Trip Planning: Shauna Baron Guiding Services
Yellowstone Wild Tours
Yellowstone Wildlife Guide Company
Yellowstone Wildlife Profiles
Yellowstone Wolf Tracker
Yellowstone Wonders
Your Life Nature
Ranching & Farming
Anderson Ranch
Barney Creek Livestock
B Bar Ranch
Highland Harmony Farm
MJS Ranch
PMD Ranch