2022 Tourism Study
Park County, Montana
In order to promote informed, civil discussions regarding the importance of wildlife to the local economy of Park County Montana, Wild Livelihoods sponsored an economic study by RRC Associates and ITRR. A summary of this study, along with links to download the short and long version, is presented below.
Every business owner near Yellowstone National Park knows that many of our customers are here to see Yellowstone. Our businesses benefit by operating near the Park. What many may not know is that "wildlife watching" is the #1 activity those visitors come to experience. And, they pay to do it. We have an opportunity as local businesses to service this demand and support sustainable wildlife populations at the same time. Of course, "wildlife watching" is not the only activity visitors spend money on, but it is the dominant one. Hunting and fishing are also sought out, both of which have had a profound impact on conservation.
Tourism in the Greater Yellowstone:
Wildlife Watching's Growing Importance
Whether it's for consumptive purposes like hunting, or non-consumptive like wildlife-watching, people enjoy being in nature, especially places with abundant and diverse wildlife. It's no wonder then that people pay to experience the outdoors, as the below summary of our 2022 economic study reveals.